Resilia does not charge additional subscription fees to use Donations Platform. We use a 6% flat rate to create more transparent pricing, versus stacked fees that can become complicated to track against transaction fees, interchange fees, transfer fees, etc.
The 6% Resilia Transaction Fee was determined like that so that all of the inherent costs of the transaction are covered. This means: the Resilia Transaction Fee (%) = Stripe Processor Fee (%) + Payment Processor Fixed Fee ($) + an optional Add-on Rate (%) are all included on top of the initial donation amount.
It is Important to highlight that with DONOR COVER FEES option in any Donation Page created, Donors historically have covered the fee 85% of the times, which gives an average effective rate between 1-2%, so that means that without additional costs (like subscription or monthly costs) you will only pay for 1-2% of the total collected by your nonprofit. For more information read here.
- Resilia’s Payment Facilitator Costs
- Stripe Processor Fee
- 2.2% + $0.30
- Payment Processor Fixed Fee - Payout Fee
- 0.25% + $0.20 per payout
- Payment Processor Fixed Fee - Security Fee
- $0.06 per transaction
- Payment Processor Fixed Fee - Active connected account fee
- $2.00 per month
- Optional Add-on Rate - Card Account updater Fee
- $0.25 per update
- Stripe Processor Fee
- Resilia’s Payment Facilitator Costs