How do I sign up and create a Resilia Donations account?

  • Creating a Resilia Donations account is quick and easy. To get started, visit the Resilia Donations website and click on the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button. Fill in your name, email address, and choose a strong password. If required, provide additional details like your organization name, phone number, or address. Review and agree to the terms and conditions, then click "Create Account" to finalize the process. You may need to verify your email address by following the instructions sent to your inbox. 
  • Once verified, you'll be redirected to your new Resilia Donations account. After logging in, take a moment to follow the instructions in the modals so that you are able to customize your account settings, you will need basically to follow this step by step guide here. Familiarize yourself with the dashboard and any setup tasks, such as connecting your bank account for donations transfer. 
  • With your account set up, you can start creating fundraising campaigns and accepting donations. Remember to keep your account secure and regularly update your profile information as needed. If you encounter any issues, our support team is ready to assist you.