What information does the Funder dashboard provide?

The Funder dashboard provides cohort level data to help inform Funders how the nonprofits are engaging with Resilia and where additional support may be needed. The dashboard includes the following metrics:

Metric  Description
How many organizations are using the platform? 

Count of individual organizations logging into the platform
How many users are logging into the platform?  Count of individual users logging into the platform
Coaching calls  Completed sessions between a Resilia coach and a nonprofit in one of the following primary topics. Often coaching calls can cover various topics. 
Coaching Topic - Formation Process of forming a nonprofit organization and key activities while waiting for determination letter
Coaching Topic - Board Management Best practices for choosing and managing the nonprofit board

Coaching Topic- Strategic Planning

Guidance on strategic planning process with board
Coaching Topic - Finance & Budgeting Answer questions about starting a budget or reviewing finances 
Coaching Topic - Compliance Best practices to maintain compliant with government entities including tax compliance and advocacy
Coaching Topic - People Operations Guidance in managing people and motivating teams including Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Coaching Topic - Volunteer Management Practical skills to recruit, onboard, develop, and retain volunteers
Coaching Topic -Program Management Understanding on how to execute and maintain programs including program design, execution, policies, procedures, and sustainability 

Coaching Topic -      Event Management

Learning more about the task necessary for a successful event 

Coaching Topic -Fundraising

 Best practices on different type of fundraising and laying out developing plan 

Coaching Topic - Grants

Guidance on different types of grants, where to find grants, how to become a grant writer, and grant writing best practices

Coaching Topic - Marketing

Best practices for developing and executing a results-driven marketing starting from public relations to social media

Coaching Topic -Storytelling

Best practices for creative and purposeful storytelling to advance the nonprofit’s cause

Coaching Topic - Data & Impact

Gain an understanding of how to track specific initiatives for organization and programs

Coaching Topic -    Resilia Overview

Maximizing use of the Resilia platform

Coaching Hours 

Total time Resilia coaches spent in preparation, scheduled meeting time, or follow-up for coaching sessions with non-profits in your cohort

Resources Viewed

Count of resources viewed on the Resilia Academy

Courses Completed

Count of courses in the Reslia Academy in which the user progressed to the next steps page after course content 

Academy Topics

Shows the frequency of resources viewed by topic as a distinct count of viewing events

Top 10 Academy Resources

Lists the resource name, topic, type, and number of views

Initiatives Created

Count of the strategic initiatives nonprofits have created in the platform

Stories Published

Count of stories that nonprofits created and published via social media or a link via the Resilia story builder

Goal Progress Updates

count of progress updates made by nonprofits to their goals such as adding data and count of goals created