Getting Started with the Funder Platform

Welcome to the Funder Platform, designed to provide Funders with a comprehensive understanding of their nonprofit partners' progress and support needs at the cohort level, following the principles of Trust-based Philanthropy. This support documentation will guide you through the key features of the Funder Platform, empowering you to enhance your grantmaking processes and strengthen your relationships with nonprofit partners.

Funder Academy

The Funder Academy offers a wealth of valuable content aimed at enriching your grantmaking practices and fostering stronger connections with nonprofit partners. Here, you can access a range of resources, including informative articles, educational materials, and best practices. The Funder Academy is a valuable resource to help you excel in your role as a Funder.

Funder Dashboard

The Funder Dashboard provides you with real-time access to the engagement and performance of your cohorts. It offers a comprehensive overview of how nonprofits are utilizing the Resilia platform and identifies areas where additional support may be required. By leveraging the metrics and insights provided on the Funder Dashboard, you can make informed decisions to enhance your philanthropic efforts. Below are the key metrics available on the Funder Dashboard:

  1. Organizations Logged In: This metric shows the number of nonprofit organizations that have accessed the platform.

  2. Users Logged In: The Users Logged In metric indicates the total number of users, including both nonprofit staff and volunteers, who have logged into the platform.

  3. Individual User Count: This count reflects the number of unique individuals who have logged into the platform.

  4. Resources Viewed: This metric measures the count of resources that have been accessed and viewed within the Resilia Academy.

  5. Courses Completed: The Courses Completed metric tracks the number of courses in the Resilia Academy where users have progressed to the next steps page after completing the course content.

  6. Academy Topics: Academy Topics reveals the frequency of resource views by topic, providing you with valuable insights into the areas of interest among your cohort.

  7. Top 10 Academy Resources: This section lists the top 10 most viewed resources in the Resilia Academy. It includes the resource name, topic, type, and number of views.

  8. Initiatives Created: The Initiatives Created metric displays the count of strategic initiatives that nonprofits have created within the platform.

  9. Stories Published: This metric tracks the count of stories created by nonprofits and published via social media or shared through the Resilia story builder.

  10. Goal Progress Updates: The Goal Progress Updates metric counts the number of progress updates made by nonprofits in relation to their goals. It includes the addition of data and the count of goals created.

Access to Individual Nonprofit Data

Please note that the Funder Dashboard provides aggregate insights and metrics representing engagement across the entire cohort of participating nonprofits. It does not grant access to individual nonprofit data.

Searching and Browsing Content in Funder Academy

To search for specific content within the Funder Academy, simply enter your search terms in the search box and click enter. If you prefer to explore the available resources more broadly, leave the search bar blank and press enter. You can also utilize the filters on the left-hand side to browse content based on specific criteria.